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Third class

We entered the third week of the course, the third class of ICT. And we started off by making and flying paper planes. We did that to talk about our human brain. To show that, like every paper plane, every brain is unique. Honestly, I think it was a fun way to explain it, that none of us will forget and that it created a good environment. After that, we had a bit of theory, a more technical part. We saw a video that talked about the paths of the brain, the need to make mental changes. This is called "plasticity", the brain's ability to change. This video makes us reflect on the need to try new things, never stop learning. This is something essential and educational. Later, with our coworker, we had time to create a mind map of a neurodidactic article, using a new application, Popplet (go to Task 3). I love this app because I think that this method of summarizing will be very useful for our future lessons. We talk about the three types of brain: limbic, dealing with emotions, cognitive, dealing with thoughts, and executive, correlative the other two. Also, we discovered that there are three types of attention: alarm, orientation and executive. After all the theory learned that day, we played Kahoot, a site with questions that you have to answer. Of course, almost all that questions were about the learned that day. When the game ended, I was in the fourth position! We continue to learn thousands of applications day after day, but I think that really all of us enjoyed this lesson.

Until the next post!

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