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Regarding the lesson plan, first we would have students watch the video individually and then answer the questions. According to their answers we would organise them into groups having in mind which are the best students, the average ones, and the ones who have more difficulty with the task, putting one proficient student in each “less proficient” group to help his/her classmates so they can “climb up” the knowledge ladder. Ideally, an extra activity could be designed to check that all students have understood and mastered the topic.



A flipped class is a teaching method in which the teacher gives the materials and activities to the students to be checked at home. In class, students will talk about these previously worked activities.

Here, I used Edpuzzle to create a video (which must have been seen at home) in which some questions must be answered (in class).

My work has been to edit in Edpuzzle the video that Mark did, introducing the questions that Noelia created. Elisa has been in charge of creating the google form.

​Finally, Sergio B. has been commissioned to create the three learning paths.

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